Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if they paypal payment method set up works correctly. Please let me know if it doesn't.
Right now we don't offer any shipping method. Please email to contact@genusboni.com or message at https://www.facebook.com/genusboni, and arrange a time for curbside pick-up. I'm thinking of designating every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon as the preferred time slots, but of course this is highly flexible.
The site is still very much a work in progress. Not all of our products have been listed, and most of the products don't have images yet. This will improve over the next few weeks.
An explanation of the categories: with the exception of toys for babies (age 0-3), the products are primarily categorized by types rather than by age. The categories "Age 3 and Up" and "Age 8+" are really just products that don't quite fall into other categories.